Remedia amoris ovidio
Remedia amoris ovidio

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War and Imperialism in Republican Rome. The Imperial Cult in the Latin Westįishwick D. Reflections on Civic Religion in Romeįishwick D. The Gods, the State, and the Individual. Lived Religion and the Individual in Ancient Rome The Dancing Lares and the Serpent in the Garden, Religion at the Roman Street Corner Crossing the Rubicon: Caesar's Decision and the Fate of Romeīeard M., North J., Price S. Julius Caesar: The Life and Times of the People’s Dictatorįezzi L. In the Name of Rome: The Men Who Won the Roman EmpireĬanfora L. Popular Participation in the Centuriate Assembly of the Late Republic Roman aristocratic parties and families Plebs and Politics in the Late Roman Republic Mass Oratory and Political Power in the Late Roman Republic Roman Imperialism in the Late Republicīadian E. Political Power in Mid-Republican Rome Curia or Comitiumīadian E. The Mediterranean and the Roman Revolution. Politics, Persuasion and the People before the Social War (150-90 B.C.) The Political Character of the Classical Roman Republic, 200-151 B.C. The Emperor in the Roman World, 31 BC–AD 337 Rome, the Greek World, and the East vol.

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Greatness and Decline of RomeĬicero - Pro Lege Manilia or De Imperio Cn. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empireįerrero G. A History of Malaria in Ancient ItalyĮrodianus - The Empire From The Death Of Marcus Conceived as a necessary reconsideration. You read your Ovid then, when you learnt about love. A new English translation of Ovids Cures for Love.

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Remedia amoris ovidio update#

This list is in fieri, I'll update it regularly and with every book suggestion you will write in the comments/reblog.īooks are not in chronological/alphabetical order are divided in: Here you can find a list of books/papers(*)(**) I think can be useful for anyone interested in Roman culture. When approacing a new tradition is vital to study the culture that gave birth to it.

Remedia amoris ovidio